電影是The Princess Bride. 就是William Goldman同名小說改編的作品。故事內容其實很簡單,十足的歐洲中古世紀風格。
公主Buttercup愛上了貧窮的農家小子Westley, 不幸的,Westley在乘船出海時,遭海盜Robert殺害。Buttercup在傷心過度下,匆促答應了Humperdink王子的婚約。
Humperdink王子其實是Buttercup的鄰國王子,他為了挑起戰爭,假意愛上Buttercup, 卻打算僱用殺手Vizzini將Buttercup殺害,好達到開戰的目的。沒想到,Buttercup在被殺手Vizzini和其手下綁票後,誤打誤撞跟Westley重逢了。
原來Westley確實被海盜Robert抓了,但是海盜Robert並沒有殺害Westley。海盜Robert其實是個象徵性的名稱,真正的海盜Robert早在十幾年前就引退了,將他的海盜船跟名稱,傳給了Ryan, 也就是抓了Westley的人。Ryan很欣賞Westley, 乾脆就將海盜Robert的名稱跟海盜船又過繼給Westley, 而Westley就用了海盜Robert的名義通行。
要聽的曲子就是該片的片尾曲︰Storybook Love
Oh, and by the way, gotta admitt that Cary Elwes was so cute 20 years ago, well, but time flies...haha
if you're interested in him , just goole "Cary Elwes", he was so..."yummy" in the movie, though a little bit of stupid, i should say. (but trust me, the original novel is way much better than the movie)
Storybook Love
by Mark Knopfler & Willy DeVille
Come my love I'll tell you a tale
Of a boy and girl and their love story
And how he loved her oh so much
And all the charms she did possess
Now this did happen once upon a time
When things were not so complex
How he worshipped the ground she walked
And when he looked in her eyes he became obsessed
My love is like a storybook story
But it's as real as the feelings I feel
My love is like a storybook story
But it's as real as the feelings I feel
It's as real as the feelings I feel
This love was stronger than the powers so dark
A prince could have within his keeping
His spells to weave and steal a heart
Within her breast but only sleeping
My love is like a storybook story
But it's as real as the feelings I feel
My love is like a storybook story
But it's as real as the feelings I feel
It's as real as the feelings I feel
Now he said, "don't you know I love you oh so much
And lay my heart at the foot of your dress? "
She said, "don't you know that these storybook loves
Always have a happy ending? "
Then he swooped her up just like in the books
And on his stallion they rode away
My love is like a storybook story
But it's as real as the feelings I feel
My love is like a storybook story
But it's as real as the feelings I feel