雖然我最近已經被一堆報告壓的有點累,不過還是「妞照泡,舞照跳」...啊,不是啦,我是說,「歌照聽,電影照看」。昨日我看了一部「幻想式傳記」,也就是說,裡面只有部分人物是真實的,其他是謂了配合劇情需要而假設的角色。這部片子名字是"Fur", 講述傳奇女攝影家Diane Arbus的一生,片中Diane Arbus, Allen Arbus(Diane的丈夫)以及父母都是真實人物,幻想式角色則是住在Diane Arbus樓上的鄰居Lionel.這位Lionel患有多毛症,全身長滿了毛,就像是大猩猩一樣,他臉上的毛長到可以編成辮子。Lionel有許多奇奇怪怪的朋友,有沒有雙手的女人,侏儒、高兩公尺的男人、有變裝癖的男人等等。Diane和Lionel成無好朋友,Lionel激發了Diane的攝影才情。
這部片子爲什麼有那麼多幻想式的人物,而且都是些長相怪異者,因為Diane Arbus所拍攝的照片類型稱為"Freak",不是一般的風景照或人物照,有時候是三個連體嬰,有時候是扮女裝的男人、裸體者。當然Diane Arbus潛意識中就有慾望拍攝這類照片,電影是利用Lionel這個也是"Freak"一類的人來激發她的意識。
他演過很多片子,譬如"Kiss Kiss Bang Bang", "In Dreams", "A Scanner Darkly"等等。
就是Robert Downey Jr啦!一定有很多人看到他的照片,會說:「喔~~我看過他...」但是不一定知道他的名字。
可是今天我也不是要說他演的電影,我要說他唱的歌。我跟一個電影發燒友說Robert Downey Jr會唱歌,那位發燒友說我一定是想太多,只知道他很會演戲,沒聽過他很會唱歌。我之前也是這麼想的,可是前幾天我去二手唱片行逛逛,發現一張唱片,叫做"Futurist",封面是用畫的,但是很清楚知道這個是Robert Downey Jr, 我想,「是畫錯人喔,怎麼會畫他?」我又注意看,沒想到竟然是他出的唯一一張唱片!!
music and lyrics by Robert Downey Jr
In love with a broken heart
You fell in love with a broken heart
Love in these modern times
There'll be someone new everynight
With some other love yarn
To wrap my harms around
No one else can understand
(hold me) i cant hear you
(trust me) not about you
In love with a broken heart
-think i leave today,i cover it all this way-
You fell in love with a broken heart
-every earthly breath, a lifeless testimony-
In love with a broken heart
(dont you know)
Love in these modern times
I'll become what your first class said
I'm no light weight,i'll find time to throw us down
You'd feel my medicine's side effect
Fink i'll grab some magazine
(i know you) never seen me
(promised you) you believed me?
In love with a broken heart
-think i leave today,i cover it all this way-
You fell in love with a broken heart
-every earthly breath, a lifeless testimony-
You fell in love with a broken heart
-another lifeless testimony
(and it shows)
Oh please machine, let's keep this terminal clean
I'll see your face in every cloud
Down a Dewar's laugh out loud
Fly girl shouts to keep it down
Paddy's wagon draws a crowd
(save your days) i dont save days
(any way) i think...leave days
God grant me the strength to accept the things i can change
And change them
(just for the last time)
(show me) i cant miss you
In love with a broken heart
-face in every cloud, makes me laugh out loud-
You fell in love with a broken heart
-shouts to keep it down, wagon draws a crowd-
In love with a broken heart
(dont you know)
-lifeless testimony-
You fell in love with a broken heart
(and it shows)
-lifeless testimony-
In love with a broken heart
-in these modern times, what your first class said,
Time to throw us down, medicine's side effects
- May 22 Tue 2007 23:59
Robert Downey Jr──Broken